"Its not the running out of anointed that might break the WT but the fact that so many will be claiming that status. It'll make everyone chiefs so that nobody will be. The increase in partakers is waht scares the WT more than anything as it directly erodes their exclusivity and control.
I'm in discussion right now with a Witness who is having serious doubts about refusing the bread and wine this year. He can see that scripturally the Society's 2 classes of christians teaching is flawed and feels the need to "keep doing this..." in obedience to Jesus.
If the partaker numbers start to snowball, then I believe we might see some serious damage to the top dogs in Brooklyn and more absurd scriptural gymnastics in an effort to protect their power."
They've already laid the foundation for dealing with this problem. The "anointed" are the "FDS" in name only. Only the GB and those they designate are qualified to teach the congregations. Elders of the "great crowd" outrank any anointed in their midst because they are part of the official channel which is as follows: Jehovah to Jesus to GB to traveling overseers to Elders. No one else has any authority in the org at all, whether anointed or not. This is from one of the spring 2009 WTs. Studied it sometime in June or July, IIRC.